“In August, the large masses of berries, which, when in flower, had attracted many wild bees, gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, and by their weight again bent down and broke their tender limbs.” – Henry David Thoreau In August, the sun is sizzling and the berries are bursting! If your looking to celebrate […]
Share with your Loved Ones the Art of the Corn Husk Doll!
August is the perfect time to celebrate the early harvest (grains and berries), and August Fairs are traditions throughout many cultures all over the world. The Native American craft of creating corn husk dolls is a wonderful activity to allow you and your family to create together and to really focus on the gift […]
August Family Fair Main Dining Table Décor
An August Fair is such a wonderful and natural celebration! A fantastic summer has now been upon us for some time, and the early signs of harvest are becoming increasingly evident all about! This is an excellent opportunity to share the joys of fresh vegetables of course, but also grains and berries. It was with […]
What Can We Do at an August Fair Besides Eat?
We just had our wildly fun and successful August Family Fair! Two of the aspects of this and others of our celebrations that I am most asked about are: “What can we actually do?”, and “How can I introduce the concept of activities to friends and family without it feeling awkward or uncomfortable?”
Celebrating Summer! Sample Agenda
Balancing a five-course meal and family bonding activities can be tricky. On the one hand, our family likes to relax and enjoy one another’s company. On the other hand, we frequently have activities planned and don’t want to miss out on them, nor do we want them to feel forced and/or unnatural.
Summer Fairy Table Setting!
Summer merrymaking is afoot! With vibrant hues infused wth glistening sun rays, daisies, roses, and pansies proudly strutting their rainbow fineries, and juicy, ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers bursting forth from the garden vines, it is almost impossible to deny there is magic in the midst! This year, I found myself inspired to create a most […]
Bunnies! Bunnies! Bunnies!
Spring is just around the corner, and I am so excited! I so love all the natural signs of rebirth and new beginnings! I love putting spring baskets together for loved ones too. In these baskets, I generally try to combine the vivid colors of the season with signs of growth, plant and animal life, […]
Craft Ideas For Spring: DIY Party Hats!
“Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let’s party!” ~ Robin Williams Looking for craft ideas for spring? Look no further! And what says a party like party hats? Their coordinated whimsy invites children of all ages to celebrate! When I decided that hats were a must for this year’s spring fling, I set out to buy […]
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Anxious for more graceful flakes of snow? Why not make them yourself?! This simple, enjoyable, and lovely craft can not only be a fun and bonding family activity, but it can also provide gorgeous seasonally appropriate decorations and embellishments!