A word from the founder of Holiday & Hearth…
My family no longer felt that the religious beliefs we grew up with represented the authentic feelings in our hearts, and yet we still wanted to celebrate our love for one another and our spiritual and emotional connectedness to our family, friends, and the world we live in. We decided to embrace this connectedness by creating family festivals, and it has been such a rewarding experience for all us that we felt the need to share it, and thus Holiday & Hearth was born.
Our family is constantly expanding and evolving and including others of all different religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds, and yet the celebration of the season endures and represents a unifying aspect of love and life that we all share – our recognition of being coinhabitants of this amazing planet.
An unexpected and most rewarding outcome of our new traditions developed as well. We started noticing that the phases of our lives had begun actually synchronizing with the cycles of nature, from quiet and personal cultivation of new ideas during the outward dormancy of winter all the way through the birth of new aspects of our lives in spring, the noticeable fruits of our labors during the harvest season, and then the cycle repeating itself as we revised our thoughts, creations, and ideas with the return of winter. We also found ourselves connecting to one another’s hopes and dreams and supporting each other as never before.
We are so grateful for our experience and wish for all of you this love and connectedness as well. Please enjoy the resources of this site and the rekindling or deepening of your personal and collective connection to our beautiful, natural home, and then be sure to share your new traditions and ideas here too, so we can all continue to grow and support one another.
Most sincerely,